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Zellig Harris (1909-1992)



Zellig Harris (October 23, 1909 - May 22, 1992) was an American linguist. Originally a Semiticist, he is best known for his work in structural linguistics and discourse analysis. Born in Balta, Ukraine, he and his family moved to in 1913.  A student in the Oriental Studies department, he received his bachelor's (1930), master's (1932), and doctoral (1934) degrees from the University of Pennsylvania. He began teaching at Penn in 1931, and would go onPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania to found the first linguistics department in the United States there in 1946.  His best-known student at Penn was Noam Chomsky.  Others included Fred Lukoff, Joseph Applegate, Leila Gleitman, John Ross, and Bruce Nevin.



  •  Origin of the Alphabet (Alfabenin Kaynağı) (M.A. thesis, 1932)
  •  A Grammar of the Phoenician Language (Phoenician Dilinin Bir Dil Bilgisi) (Ph.D. dissertation, 1936)
  •  Development of the Canaanite Dialects: An investigation in linguistic history (1939)
  •  Methods in Structural Linguistics (Yapısal Dil Bilimi Yöntemleri) (1951)
  •  String Analysis of Sentence Structure (Cümle Yapısının Zincir Çözümlemesi) (1962)
  •  Mathematical Structures of Language (Dilin Matematiksel Yapısı) (1968)
  •  Papers in Structural and Transformational Linguistics (Yapısal ve Dönüşümsel Dil Bilimi Makaleleri) (1970)
  •  A Grammar of English on Mathematical Principles (Matematiksel İlkeler Üzerine İngilizce Bir Dil Bilgisi) (1982)
  •  Language and Information (Dil ve Enformasyon) (1988)
  •  The Form of Information in Science: Analysis of an immunology sublanguage (1989)
  •  A Theory of Language and Information: A mathematical approach (Bir Dil ve Enformasyon Kuramı: Matematiksel Bir Yaklaşım) (1991)
  •  The Transformation of Capitalist Society (Kapitalist Toplumun Dönüşümü) (1997)

