Prof. Dr. Mustafa Altun Links |
F. ACADEMIC WORKS Master Thesisİznikli Hümâmi-Sinâme, Istanbul University, Institute of Social Science, Department of New Turkish Language, İstanbul, 1996, (Supervisor : Prof.Dr. Mustafa Özkan) (in Turkish)
Absract: This thesis is a study about the Sî-nâme to be writing by the Ottoman poet Hümâmî in 1435 AD. ( 839 After the Hicret). In thesis, only on Bibliotheque National (Ancien Fond Turc. 304) and Süleymaniye (Hacı Mahmud Efendi , 3961/I) from three copies of the inscription reconciled and translated from the Persian poet Emir Hüseynî's same name carried of manuscript have been worked. British Library (Or. 11234) copy hasn't been carned unfortunately. Manuscript has been written with from regulator mesnevi. Manuscript is to take form from thirsty letters that mentioned from relative sensitive between lover and loved and from worldly love. Poet's himself lyric poems (gazels) is be fond between letters. Bibliotheque National copy is to reflect writing period of time as language structure. As Süleymaniye copy wrote in 1589 AD. speak characteristics to writing period of time isn't to encounter. There fore, first copy to reflecting of Old Anatolian Turkish (Old Ottoman) characteristics has been based. Süleymaniye copy has been showed as different at bottom notice. Different orthography of same words has been stated at both copies. İn addition, orthography characteristics of one part has been given at list form in under title. Thesis is to be from seven parts at form preface, entry data about Hümâmî and Sî-nâme, introduction, bibliography, edition-critique text, explanations, word and affix index. As affix arrange prepares from Cibakaya 5.2 programmer to working at Macintosh trade-mark computers has been used. PhD. Dissertationİbrahim ibn-i Bali’nin Hikmet-nâme’si (1b-149a), Istanbul University, Institute of Social Science, Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Istanbul, 2003, (Supervisor : Prof.Dr. Mustafa Özkan) (in Turkish)
Absract: Our dissertation is based on a part of the poetrical work in the form of mesnevî (İ.copy 1b-149a, M.copy 1b-180a sheets) called Hikmet-nâme which was written by Antepli İbrâhim İbn-i Bâlî in the 15th century Hicrî 893 (Milâdî 1488) to the attribution to Memluk Sultan Kayıtbay. In this part astronomy, angels, four elements in nature, mountains, seas, islands, countries, cities and towns, jewels, fishes, rivers, water sources, features and organs of human etc. take place in order of importance. İbn-i Bâlî reflected his own and previous quotations from classical sources as well as his hearings and observations in his masterpiece. In our dissertation copies in the
library of Istanbul University and copies by Prof.Dr. Muhammet Yelten
have been studied on. The copy of University was priorly taken into
consideration and transcription of the copy was done. The differences
between this copy and Prof.Dr. Muhammet Yelten’s were determined in the
footnote. Dictionary-index was made of the text reinforced in terms of
reading and the language features of the text
(phonetic-morphologic-semantics) have been dealt with the help of
sources that emerged from all this studies. G. ARTICLES1. Turk Atasozleri Uzerine Sentaktik Bir Inceleme (A Syntactic Study on Turkish Proverbs), Akademik Arastirmalar Dergisi, Mayis-Temmuz 2004, sayi 21, s.79-91.(in Turkish) (pdf) Absract: Proverbs which determine a nation’s way of looking at the universe and itself and evolve as products of community are language fortunes. In this sense, this material can be used in sociologic, psychologic and socio-economic fields. In the this article proverbs are classified in the structure of sentence thinking that they are the materials of language. 2. Eski Metinlerde Bir Semantik Inceleme Ornegi: Hikmet-nâme (A Study of Semantics in Old Text: Hikmet-namah), Sakarya University, Journal of Faculty of Education, Nisan 2004, sayi 7, s.113-126. (in Turkish) (pdf) Absract: In this article, semantic which was a part of doctorate thesis based on Hikmet-namah written in 1488 by İbrahim ibn-i Bâlî was dealt. In the article taking contemporary linguistic approaches into consideration and phonem, morphem, semantic study was made on the level of text. 3. Alfabe Degisiminin Tarihsel Gelisimi Uzerine Bir Degerlendirme (A Assessment on the Historical Development of Alphabet Reformation), Cumhuriyetin 81. Yılına Armagan, Sakarya Universitesi Atatürk İlkeleri ve Inkilâp Tarihi Arastirma ve Uygulama Merkezi, Adapazari 2004, s.57-63. (in Turkish) (pdf) 4."Filolojik-Dil Bilgisi ve Dil Bilimi Kaynaklarinda Türk Dilinin Söz Dizimsel Yapilarinin Karsilastirilmasi" (Comparison of Syntactic Structures of Turkish Language in Resources of Philological-Grammar and Linguistics), Türkçe Dilbilim Çalışmaları Özel Sayısı, Turkish Studies, Ekim-Kasım-Aralık 2010. (pdf) (new) Abstract: The article are discussed anlyzes of syntactic structures of Turkish language. This syntactic structures is mainly analizes philological-grammar and linguistics. Philological-grammar is especially influence of Muharrem Ergin’s word groups classification. Examples of sentence are usually selected literary texts. In linguistic sources also seen mainly influence of Generative-Transformational Grammar of Noam Chomsky. According to this theory, linguists can generate the best examples of any language.
H. BOOKS 1. Altun, M. (2011), Türkçede Kelime Grupları Çözümlemeleri-Türk Romanlarından Örneklerle, MVT Yayıncılık, 134 s. (FULL TEXT) 2.Altun, M. (2011), Hâb-nâme-i Veysî, MVT Yayıncılık,, 230 s. (FULL TEXT) I. BOOKS CHAPTERS 1. Altun, M. (2005), “Dil, Diller, Türkçenin Tarihsel ve Coğrafik Sınıflandırması", Ses ve Şekil Bilgisi, Lisans Yayıncılık, İstanbul, ( M. Kalfa- S. Demirbilek-E. Öztürk-M. Altun) 2. Altun, M. (2007)," Türkçe Programının Amaçları, İlkeleri ve Türkçe Programı", Türkçe Öğretimi, Lisans Yayıncılık, İstanbul, (Editör: Fatma Bölükbaşı)(Full Text) 3. Altun, M-Özcan, E. (2016), Erdal Özcan - "Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminde Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Uygulamaları", Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretimi-Kuramlar-Yöntemler-Beceriler-Uygulamalar, Faruk Yıldırım-Burak Tüfekçioğlu (Editörler) - Pegem Akademi - pp.391-402. 4. Altun, M. (2018) "Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminde Sosyal Medya Kullanımı", Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretimi-Kuramlar, Yaklaşımlar, Uygulamalar (Editör: Abdullah Şahin) - Pegem Akademi -s..421-428. 5 .Altun, M. (2019), "Kitle İletişim Araçlarının Sözcük Öğretiminde Kullanılması", Dil Kullanıcısı Bağlamında Kuramdan Uygulamaya Türkçenin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretimi (Editör: Asuman Ahmed Akay, Aslı Fişekçioğlu) - Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık - s..345-351. 6. Altun, M. (2019), "Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminde Yeni Yaklaşımlar", Dil Kullanıcısı Bağlamında Kuramdan Uygulamaya Türkçenin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretimi (Editör: Asuman Akay Ahmed, Aslı Fişekçioğlu) - Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık - s..523-549. 7. Altun, M. (2019) "Avrupa Diller İçin Ortak Öneriler Çerçevesi'nin Değerlendirilmesi", Türkçenin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretimi (Editörler: Adem İşçan, Sami Baskın) - Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık - s..55-62.
H. CURRENT PROJECTSI. COURSES TAUGHT Language Courses (Lecturer Notes) (Turkish) Ottoman Turkish I Features of Turkish and foreign word, noun and kind, type and description of words, comparison of illness(illetli) and true(sahih) words, verbal noun types and forms, word derive, derived word and kinds, prefixes, text kinds, text reading studies, text features of 18. and 19. Centuries. Ottoman Turkish II Pre-ottoman Turkish and features, "aruz" meter and features, meters of Turkish aruz, Arabic word and prepositional phrase forms, Persian prepositional phrase forms, postposition, verbal noun, derivational nouns and adjectives that use Ottoman Turkish, derive features, compound words and kinds. Turkish Language I : Phonetics and Morphological Origin and development of the Turkish Language, comparison with other language of the Turkish, voices of Turkish, vowel and consonant features, vowel and consonant changes, various voice events (assimilation, dissimulation, voice derivating and falling etc.) features and description of the Turkish word. Turkish word structure, appendix in Turkish: ending (noun ending, verb ending), derivational affix (denominative verb, denominative noun, deverbal verb, deverbal noun), voice affix; deverbal noun, participle, gerund and predicative verb. Turkish Language II : Syntax Word variety and group; noun, adjective, pronoun, adverb, postposition, verb, possessive and adjectival construction, word groups, handiadyoins. Part of sentence, subject and varieties, complement and varieties, predicate and varieties, sentence types (affirmative and negative sentences, nominal and verbal sentences, compound and simple sentences, anacoluthon and unrounded sentences etc.)